To the people who think my 'obedience to God' is cray cray

is hard sometimes. But if people only understood the blessings you can receive just by being obedient... If only.

Ill get to the whole 'vegan' nonsense and other things shortly but i have to vent for a sec so please just hang tight. A lot has happened this passed month. We've been very busy, prayers have been answered and a few things have come clear to me. But one thing that is just stuck in my head is how God woke me up a couple nights ago LITERALLY by a gushing wind and answered several months worth of prayers, all due my obedience.

      My job as a christian is to invite others to church. Ill probably drive you insane doing so but that's my job. 
My job is to shine my light. People should be able to see Christ in me and they should see the love and want what i have. That's my job. 
My job is also to be obedient... completely 100% full blown obedient. which means sometimes the things i do and the choices i make may seem really wacky.

     I was presented with a huge opportunity this month and made the decision -on my own- to take it as anyone would, right? I got really excited and started making plans, coming up with ideas. Life was good.
 Day 2....i woke up with the most awful feeling of anxiety. Something was WRONG. The most awful thoughts and feelings came over me. 

Now, only if you truly know me and my personality and my testimony would you understand what anxiety means to me. Ive struggled with my self worth for as long as i can remember. Being saved took it all away but only when i stray from God or do something bad makes me have these feelings. So i knew. I knew when i woke up that morning that the reason i felt this way was because i never took this opportunity that id been given to God. I never ASKED him what he wanted me to do. I just did what 'I' wanted to do. 
What i did next was what i should have done the very second the opportunity was presented to me. I prayed. I prayed ALL DAY LONG. I dont do that often. And sometimes when i do, i start to overthink my prayers and i get distracted..."Am i overpraying?" ..."Am i saying it all right?"...."He always has a plan so is my prayer pointless?".

   It wasnt pointless. That night i said one last prayer asking for peace over the situation and clarity and then i drifted to sleep. while sleeping i had a dream. I cant remember it very well but i was talking to someone about a few things id been praying about over the past few months. The questions id asked, the prayers id prayed were answered in that dream. Clear as can be. Then, a gushing wind blew through our window and woke me up. Really! We had the window open because it was a nice night and we were having storms. I forgot to shut the window. But it woke me up and i was so startled. I immediately knew that he had answered my prayers because i had been obedient and 'talked' to him. I was being a little distant and had not prayed like that in a long time. That's all he wanted from me. He wanted to spend time with me. He wanted me to put it in his hands completely. He wanted me to have enough faith to know that he was going to answer me in time and he did!!

Anyway, someone who doesnt have this type of relationship with our Lord may not understand why im being so reckless and making my decisions off of 'dreams and faith'. Well, i cant explain myself to someone like that in anyway other than "try it yourself"!!

 I read somewhere that if you're not ready to be criticized for your obedience to God then you're not ready to be used by God! 

Oh man, I want to be used by God!!
All i know is that Gods plan will never fail. If i had done what i wanted to do and went through with it there's no telling what he would have done to put a stop to it. There's no telling what would have happened. He has a plan for me and he made it very clear to me. Ill talk more about that once things start falling into place. For now, i have more praying to do.

So, theres my testimony for this week. It might not make a lot of sense but it does to me haha. 

Pro vegan: funny. Correction: I try to not look like this, but sometimes it is irritating. Especially when going anywhere else wasn't an option. Don't be a dick, and I won't have to act like a bitch.:
So weve been eating 'mostly plant based' foods for about a month now.

The first 2 weeks were probably the easiest and i lost a total of 7lbs by the 3rd week. I decided eating only salads was not what i wanted to do. My husband had different standards and thats ok. We decided we are not LABELING ourselves as VEGAN. At our church we have potlucks often and everyone makes the most amazing dishes mostly full of meat and cheese. So church events are our cheat days haha. We are not setting any rules for what we can eat and what we can not. We basically just stopped buying junk food (except pop tarts because Anthony threw a tantrum) and we stopped buying things like, cows milk, eggs, butter, or anything that has egg product in it. We eat pasta, beans, rice, and all kinds of veggies. So we are more vegetarian than anything. its become a habit for now and the last few times we ate meat this month we got sick. We have been craving fruit so thats a good thing.

Kyndall has taken a special liking to pears, chickpeas, navy beans, purple hull peas, grapes, bananas and strawberries. We still cant get her to eat any greens but when we juice them she drinks it! 

Eating out is pretty difficult because even tho we can order a salad or a veggie burger its usually FILLED with cholesterol, sodium or some kind of preservative. But that's just part of it. If you want to be sure of what your eating the best thing to do is just grow it and prepare it yourself!!

Eating for Jesus

We all want more peace & less violence in this world. Let's be the change by simply changing our choices ✌️❤️ #govegan:

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies

I know everyone is probably tired of hearing about these 'health nuts' weight loss adventures and how much theyre working out and all the bragging but ive officially jumped on this bandwagon! 

We are officially living as Vegans. 

(We) as in Anthony and Kyndall and I.

 Its harder on Kyndall i think because she really likes mac and cheese. Ill just cook vegan pasta with vegan cheese. shell never know ;D

Moving on here are some links to get started:

    Ive wanted to get back to my 'before baby body' for so long now. Back then i didnt have to do much. I was skinny already and just a few sit ups did the trick! But then i nursed for 18 months and was really hungry in that period of my life. I haven't gained a ton of weight or anything but i did get lazy and out of shape and ive also ate soooo much junk food. I think thats what dropped my milk supply at the end. 
    Im a pretty tired person. I wake up in the morning already exhausted (a Mombie) from wrestling a toddler all night for the covers and getting poked in the eye every 10 minutes. i roll out of bed for one reason. COFFEE. Coffee is so good. I makes me feel good. It tastes good. Its warm <3 ...Oh sorry...moving on. Tired! Im not a morning person haha! It takes me the majority of the first half of the day to drink my coffee and i usually dont get hungry enough to eat until about 1 or 2. Ill usually cook spaghetti, mac and cheese...something with pasta 90% of the time or a sandwich (roast beef or bologna with mustard and mayo on white bread). Then ill be exhausted again and feel like i need a 5 hour nap. i usually drag through my errands and whatever work i have the rest of the day until Anthony is home from work around 5:30. Then i wake up a little, cook a dinner and we eat. Then we are usually so tired we have to go to bed. He is usually tired too before he gets home. He works really hard but eats junk all day. i feel like i never really fully wake up.
 Day wasted.

Monday Jan 23rd we started watching documentaries and reading about the health risks of eating sugar and processed foods. We went to walmart and bought $40 worth of vegetables and fruit and thats what we ate this week. We even started on a garden. we are hoping by the end of the year to only have a $20 grocery bill.

On Monday i weighed 120lbs. Not bad but hard for a girl who weighed 80lbs all through high school and 100lbs her whole adult life! I dont want to be super skinny. I just want to be healthy.

Today i weighed a little over 116lbs. Thats almost 4 pounds in less than a week!!!!!
ive not exercised at all. Just changed what im eating.

Although we did go walking this passed weekend and plan to more often as it gets warmer:

aint she cute!!!!

I feel fuller, more awake, im sleeping better and my blemishes are clearing up!!!
cool huh!


 Any way.
Ill do my best to keep track of my weight and all that junk because i know there are just hundreds of people itching to know all these things about me ;)
Also stay tuned for my next blog post:

  • ill be working on my February Testimony
  • sharing recipes
  • Valentines Day stuff
  • more pictures of Kyndall
  • my favorite bible verses!

a sneak peek of this weeks maternity session

***** i have to add, some may be wondering why i am doing this. Well below is a scripture that can somewhat explain why. But the main reason is because of (once again) the Proverbs woman. I am striving daily to be like that! I am more precious than RUBIES so why on earth wouldnt eat like i am. Why would i treat my body as if it were the most precious gift i have. Because it is. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. 
Our bodies are a temple. Adam and Eve were given plants to eat. Thats what God intended for us. So thats what im going to do! 


Sweet Struggles

Your home is Living Space:

Its been a good week. The sun came out and we got some fresh air finally! While decluttering we were able to open the windows and let the house air out! We are not dirty people but we do have a lot of clutter and dust. So the weather permitting us to air the place was such a relief. A blessing really because i was feeling really claustrophobic!

 We made a list of each section of our home to be marked off and worked on over a 6 month period. Its a process so we are trying not to rush into this 'minimalist lifestyle' overnight, but im anxious haha! So far weve finished about 95% of the kitchen/dining room which was the #2 biggest project on the list. This past weekend we tackled the #1 on the list which was clothing. We had an entire room piled with clothes we couldnt find spots for and couldnt control! All together we have bagged and trashed about 7 large trashbags full of clothing!! Thank you Jesus!!! We now have just enough dishes, pans, and silverware for us only. about 3 or 4 pieces of everything (compared to originally about 15 of everything) and about 5 loads of laundry all together including our 4 towels and bed sheets <3 SUCH. A. RELIEF.!!!!!

Another big part of the decluttering our life includes your mind as well. Its not just about getting rid of unnecessary STUFF in your home but also weeding out the unnecessary thoughts and things in your mind(hateful thoughts, things that stress you, bad memories) and the unnecessary things your ingesting (processed foods, junk food and SUGAR).  So on down our list (or mine anyway) includes being in my bible more. Ive learned a lot about myself since being saved almost exactly a year ago. One thing ive learned is that i let myself become annoyed very easily by unimportant things. I will think so far into a situation or something a person said and make it into something to get angry about. Very judgemental and negative really. HAD TO GO!! No one wants to feel that way....i want to be happy all the time. And the only way to do that is to throw out the bad. Your answers are in the bible!

The last part is to get rid of the junk i am ingesting into my body!...So...let me gripe at yall for a sec <3

Your body is the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT who lives in you and was given to you by GOD. YOU DO NOT BELONG TO YOURSELF 1corinthians 6:19

In the bible it talks a lot about LOVE. Loving ourselves, each other and that God loves us. Well i realized Jesus DIED and was TORTURED FOR ME. His body was beaten and cut and bruised all for me so that i dont have to do that. And here i am basically killing myself with what im eating. My body is a fortress and its time we started treating it as such!

Anthony and i have over the years learned new things and slowly started eating healthier by habit. Before i got pregnant we were working out pretty hard and changed our diet to match. We were eating basically NO SUGAR, NO SALT  and NO FAT. We were taking in as much protein, carbs and nutrients that we could. Looking back i wish i knew then what i know now. Protein is not what we have been convinced it is. It is not proven that as humans we HAVE to have very much protein at all. It actually is proven to have led to several diseases (such as cancer and high cholesterol), same thing goes for sugar. I had no clue. I thought (especially while working out or being active) that it was essential. Nope. The only essential thing we need to be putting into our bodies is FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND WHOLE GRAINS. And thats it. I knew sugar was bad but until here recently i had no clue HOW BAD. 

We like to watch documentaries and learn stuff and weve been watching alot of nutritional ones. Eventually youll find one and itll all click! Well we found a few! ( Sugar Coated, Cowspiracy, & Hungry for Change) 

Really good educational shows that are a must see! It changed the way we look at our food for sure. 

If you are overweight, or maybe tired ALL OF THE TIME (like me), never have any energy, or maybe youve been trying to loose those last few pounds for years and its just not coming off, or maybe you have issues with your cholesterol or blood pressure. Well heres how to REVERSE IT ALL:

its killing you

I know what your thinking, because i thought the same thing. Thats unrealistic. And in todays way of living it is almost impossible. Every single thing that you are eating is filled with sugar, preservatives or something toxic that eventually will make you sick in some way. 

Start replacing certain snacks or meals with a meal of greens and good proteins like lentils or beans. Start eating fruit for breakfast instead of that Special K cereal that is packed full of sugar. Youll see the pounds FALL OFF and youll have so much energy.


also we bought only fresh produce for groceries this last night and only spent $40!!! for a whole weeks worth of HEALTHY food! And ill be more full because ill get to eat bigger portions!

Another awesome thing about this is kyndall can eat it all and i dont have to worry. I cant get this kid to eat ANYTHING but mac and cheese, cheese sticks, cookies or fruit gummies. But she also likes those sauce squeeze pouches from the baby section so this morning i blended Kale, almond milk, banana, and some 'greens powder' into a green juice for her and thats what she drank with her honey and oats this morning for breakfast! She thinks its regular juice! but its actually greens! And its sweet because of the fruit! YAY! I had some for breakfast as well and usually by now i need a 3rd cup of coffee. Ive only had one today and i have MORE ENERGY!!! For lunch im going to make a Buddha bowl <3 (Quinoa, Kale, Boiled egg, carrots and probably some other veggies too)

okay, ill stop griping at you! I got a few emails about people who had something they wanting me to talk about and one of them were curious about my 'struggles'. HAHA ok, ill be raw and tell! To save time ill just make you a list haha!


1. well, ive always had an addictive personality. Its something prayer and blessings from God has helped me overcome. Right now my addictions are Coffee and Facebook lol could be worse!

2. I am lazy. I get really frustrated at myself because i dont pick up after myself or clean like i should. I WANT to be clean and organized but its hard work for me.

3. I often struggle to concentrate. I have always had trouble focusing but its gotten worse as ive gotten older. My mind wanders off to about 5000 things (especially while im trying to pray) But, when i pray hard enough for clarity God will give me a clear mind and its such a relief.

4. Im a negative nancy. I can find the negative in just about any situation. But over the past year thats changed a lot. I still struggle with it but ive improved!

5. My confidence is either at 300% or -300%. There is no in between. If im feeling confident people can usually tell but if im having an off day and my self esteem is pretty low i usually hide it really well.

6. I dont take advice very well. I guess i can be...defensive haha! or so im told. especially when it comes to things about Kyndall. Which i think any mother is like that.

7. I depend on Anthony a lot. I ask for a lot more favors from him than what i do for him. Sometimes i get down on myself because i feel like im not pulling my weight but its something i have to go back to the book of Ruth to reassure myself. Reading in Proverbs is a big help too. because instead of being a downer about it and sulking i am reminded to get off my butt and be virtuous to the best of my ability!

8. I struggle with being social. i get really uncomfortable during a conversation with almost everyone. I cant do small talk =( i try i really do but it makes my heart race and i start panicking.

9. i forget a lot. Sometimes while talking to someone ill be so nervous or caught up in the moment that 9 times out of 10 ill forget every single thing i said and every thing you said. 

10. I struggle with exaggeration. I dont know how to describe that other than just that. Ive been known to exaggerate sometimes. (anthony says im dramatic)

Phew! Well there you go, 10 things i struggle with. This is just a portion of it and i could probably go on and on! But i can tell you one thing i DONT struggle with and thats FAITH. I have so much faith sometimes i feel overwhelmed with it and dont know what to do with it.... I have faith in God and God's word but i also have faith in people. Sometimes too much haha. But these things are daily struggles for me. I also over eat, and dont do enough alone time with jesus. These are things im praying about and overcoming.

Anyway i really recommend checking out those documentaries. You can find all three on Netflix. Something I read said 'Stop telling yourself that you deserve a donut." ...No you deserve a healthy body. So stop treating it badly!

testimonies and resolutions

Are we the only family that wakes up at 3 am every morning stripping the bed to find a binky!?!? Kyndall will fall asleep with it and then throughout the night it makes its way around the bed until she wakes up SCREAMING for it! Haha. So we get up and look forever. Those little nasty things are magical or something i swear! You can take every blanket and pillow off the bed and shake them a hundred times and then turn around for one second and there it is!! sitting nicely perched right in front of your face the whole time!!! Then everyone is cranky by then. UGH. Annoying. Which means its probably about time to break the binky habit AGAIN. We should have stuck with it last time because i think shes actually addicted to it now. Oops.

Anyway, I finally got to do my first testimony this week but before i get into that ill do a recap of my week

First off, Kyndall takes her last dose of antibiotics today which is a relief because shes never been on them before and im tired of the poopy diapers lol. Almost two weeks ago She was cleared for pneumonia and RSV but was still getting pretty sick so they gave her antibiotics. She still has a nasty cough first thing in the morning and a pretty runny nose but shes much better now.

Even tho shes sick isnt she super gorgeous!!!?

Anthony and i watched a documentary last night about being a minimalist. So our list of things to do this year is growing:

  • Build a greenhouse and cut our grocery bill in half
  • get on a strict budget plan
  • Pay off escrow and other debts with income taxes
  • throw away ALL CLUTTER in every single room
  • Do more bible study


Testimony time!!

OK, so i got to do Januarys Testimony yesterday after church and it was a blast. It was literally 18 degrees outside and my fingers were so cold i could barely work my camera! 

 Ill share it tho because its pretty cool <3

Ruby Images Testimony Project 2017
January Testimony:
Melissa Duke
(Acts 3:2)

"For the majority of my life I have sat crippled and begging at the gate named Beautiful! I have heard the story of the crippled begger many times since I was a child, but only this past year God has revealed how closely related this story is to my own testimony! Exactly one year ago God laid all of this on my heart. So it is by no coincidence that God presented this project to Kali and it is by no coincidence that she has chosen mine to be her January Testimony and the story goes like this; 
just shortly after the day of pentecost at 3 in the afternoon, Peter and John were on their way to temple to pray, at the same time a crippled begger was being carried to the gate named Beautiful were he sat everyday to beg for money.....the gate named Beautiful was the entrance to the Temple courts! When Peter and John reached the crippled begger he asked if they could spare any money.....they both stared at him for a moment and Peter being filled with the Holy Spirit said to him, silver and gold I do not have but I give to you what is within me. Grabbing the right hand of the crippled begger Peter Says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth get up and walk!! Instantly the crippled begger's feet and ankles were made strong and finally he went with them into the to temple courts leaping and shouting and praising God!!!! When the people saw him they all recognized him as the crippled who always sat at the temple gate called beautiful and they looked on him with wonder and amazement! 
For the majority of my life I have been the one who has sat crippled and begging at the beautiful gate leading into the Temple courts! I was born into the Church, I have seen many people filled with the Holy Spirit! I have watched first hand what that spirit could do!! I have watched God move in miraculous and mighty ways but from what always seemed to be afar! You see from a very early age satan had me convinced that, that life was for others and not for me! Satan crippled me with deceit and had me bound by fear and addiction after addiction! I would beg for God to use me as I had seen Him use so many others but the enemy's deceit and corruption had me bound and believing that I would never be good enough for God to use me after all of the terrible things I had done!! I couldn't understand why God would keep me locked outside the beautiful gate only to watch from afar all of the beautiful things He was doing for those inside of the Temple courts! It hurt me deeply and the yearning to be in the Holy Place and in the presence of God was so painful! I feared that would spend the rest of my life only being able to watch God do so many incredible things in others lives and never in mine but in these last couple of years God has started moving mountains in my life and my faith in God and my love for God, or should I say His love for me has broken the chains of addiction and being of a sober mind God has finally been able to speak to my heart, He has finally opened up that Beautiful gate! He has lead me through the temple courts, past the graven alter and is allowing me to enter into His Holy Place! God has told me that He had been right beside me the entire time and that the pain and trials I had suffered through were not in vain! That I was one of His strongest soldiers and that even though He had me living in hell on earth that I never once stopped loving and believing in Him! He knew when He created me that no matter how far away I got that I would always return to him and that each and every hardship i had gone through made me stronger to prepare me for the work He needed to do through me!! He told that He has made my feet and ankles strong now and that it was time for me to get up and walk!!! God had me in between the two worlds of good and evil so that I would be grounded in my faith yet still would have the testimony of walking through fire to reach the ones who will be walking through it now so that i could reach them on their level!! All those times I cried out to my Father thinking He had forgotten about me and left me alone He was right there crying with me saying there there child for I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU!! Satan thought he had me but My God was kicked back on His throne laughing and saying; satan you can never have her, SHE IS MY CHILD and SHE IS WORTH FAR MORE THAN RUBIES!"

Is that beautiful or what!!!

Melissa is my husbands ex sister in law i think... lol Shes the sweetest person and knows a lot about scripture. If i ever need someone to pray for me or with me i go to her!!!


Well today ill shoot my LAST session for one of my Baby's 1st Year babys so ill have a smash cake session to share soon! Be on the look out for that

Before i forget:
Anthony and i are fans of avocado. I like to just mash it up and sprinkle salt and pepper on it. You can add lemon juice or chopped tomatoes. Its super tasty and REALLY healthy for you! I was eating it a lot while pregnant and while i was nursing. heres a link to 10 different ways you can eat it on toast. I can put it on toasted multigrain bread and kyndall eats it! Its really nutritious for her and it makes me feel like im doing something right haha.

click this link ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

Blessings to Ya,

Kali M

New Year. New Projects

New Year, New Projects

How about that snow, huh! We went to Walmart to pick up our new glasses and everyone was in the bread isle so we didnt have any problems getting in and out haha! 

We didnt get very much but there was enough for kyndall to explore. She fell once and got her hands wet. She was done after that.

So last night an idea hit me! Id been praying for a new idea for a project similar to my Self Love Project we did in 2016. You can see it here:

I wanted to do something that had a lot of meaning and really touched people but i didn't want to do the exact same thing. (I still may do another Self Love Project anyway for 2017). I thought and prayed and remembered what my business is supposed to represent. I definitely wanted the project to be biblically related somehow. Then it hit me...


I would love to help share people testimonies and their walks with Jesus.
The Self Love Project was one album filled with girls talking about what they've been judged for and positive things about themselves. I want this new project to be totally different! Instead of everyone together in one album i want to do everyone's testimony one at a time (monthly). We are all individuals and our testimonies are all different. So what i will do is share a different testimony every month of 2017!!
I want to use this to spread the good news! Shine my light and reach out to people. This is what my business was given to me for. This is the type of stuff im supposed to be doing. A TESTIMONY IS A TESTIMONY!!! I want to know how God has affected you and what role he has played in your story.

 “I want you all to know about the miraculous signs and wonders the Most High God has performed for me.   Daniel 4:2


Heres something im happy about today:

Got my new frames today Yo!!!!

And it snowed so thats cool

i have found my January Testimony so be on the lookout for that.

 Now to find my February Story!!!!

Kali M.

More than a Ruby

She is more precious than rubies

The last few years have been tough and 2016 was filled with more blessings than any other but i have to say it was probably the hardest year yet. I was a mom to a toddler this year, had my own business and was baptised. 

We all fall short everyday and sin but when you get saved you become more convicted of these sins. I did anyway. I was more aware of how far from being 'Christ-like' i really was. I wasnt an awful person but i was no where near being like Jesus. Which is the Ultimate Goal i think. But daily prayer and letting God lead me was the best thing id ever done. My business was a blessing from him and the decisions i've made so far are answers i've received through prayer. 

Proverbs stuck out to me around June or sometime around there. I have the Woman's Study bible and it has an entire section on how to be a Virtuous Woman. It was everything id ever wanted to be:

*Compassionate *Confident *Gentle *Modest *Blessed *Wise *Productive *High Standards

I realized not only did I want to be Virtuous, I wanted my business to be based off these characteristics as well. So That's Where the 'Ruby' part comes in. And its my birthstone. Hmm works perfect haha.

Pricing was difficult because when id get paid at a session and then go home and edit for 5-12 days nonstop it just wasnt worth it. But when a new client would message me asking for prices after id raised them it made me nervous. Was i worth that much ?!?!?! God used 2016 to show me just how much i was really worth. More than Rubies!

That being said, Ill be using 2017 to strengthen my relationship with God, Get our clutter at home under control, Be a more Virtuous woman and to spend as much 101 time with my daughter as possible!

So my time is very limited and very important. Time photographing someone elses special moments is time away from my 101 time with God and my family. So its very important to me.

Anyway, Ive blogged before and never stuck with it. Mostly because my life was very boring and i had nothing to talk about. 
Now, my life is hectic and i am always on the go.
Ill explain:

Sundays- At church by 9 for sunday school. Service is at 10:45. Out by 1. Usually use this day for visiting family, cleaning or grocery runs
Mondays- Thursdays- Anthony is gone to work until 5 or so. Kyndall and i get up for breakfast and play until she takes her nap. then i start working/editing until she starts whining again haha. Then Anthony is home and we eat dinner and go to bed
Fridays- Either a regular weekday or if Anthony is home we spend time together
Saturdays- are used for errands, church events, sessions,anything and everything

 So i may not do another blog for 6 months only because i just couldn't find the time but ill do my best to keep up with it.

Ill start off with who i am. I am Kali. (pronounced like Kaylee/ not Cali) But i grew up being called Cali so just whatever lol. I am currently 24 and i feel 21. Actually thats a lie. I feel like im 30 haha.
Im just your average white girl i guess. I am a coffee drinker (black/no cream/1 tbs of sugar). I know , gross. I am a wine enthusiast. But i do not like sweet wines or Wimp Wine like Boones Farm. I like fine wines. My favorite is Chardonnay or any dry white wine. I cannot drink sweet wines most of the time(especially reds). They taste like cough syrup. I love the dryer wines. Moving on haha. I am pretty basic so far, coffee, wine, photography, Jesus. 
My husband and i teach Sunday School to the 3-5 year olds at our church and No we do not know what were doing haha. 

I started out in front of the camera so ...yea i like having my picture taken and 80% of the time i'm jealous of my clients haha.
"Can you take my picture too?!" haha

I've been complaining about not getting to have my picture taken like i used to and not knowing how to do self portraits. I have all the equipment i need so that's what i did today. I learned something!!! and it wasn't a total disaster!

Anyway ill try and use this blog to talk about devotionals, Momming, and wine on occasions haha. I like cooking and DIY projects too so if your an average white girl this is probably the blog for you!

Blessings to Ya,
Kali M.