To the people who think my 'obedience to God' is cray cray

is hard sometimes. But if people only understood the blessings you can receive just by being obedient... If only.

Ill get to the whole 'vegan' nonsense and other things shortly but i have to vent for a sec so please just hang tight. A lot has happened this passed month. We've been very busy, prayers have been answered and a few things have come clear to me. But one thing that is just stuck in my head is how God woke me up a couple nights ago LITERALLY by a gushing wind and answered several months worth of prayers, all due my obedience.

      My job as a christian is to invite others to church. Ill probably drive you insane doing so but that's my job. 
My job is to shine my light. People should be able to see Christ in me and they should see the love and want what i have. That's my job. 
My job is also to be obedient... completely 100% full blown obedient. which means sometimes the things i do and the choices i make may seem really wacky.

     I was presented with a huge opportunity this month and made the decision -on my own- to take it as anyone would, right? I got really excited and started making plans, coming up with ideas. Life was good.
 Day 2....i woke up with the most awful feeling of anxiety. Something was WRONG. The most awful thoughts and feelings came over me. 

Now, only if you truly know me and my personality and my testimony would you understand what anxiety means to me. Ive struggled with my self worth for as long as i can remember. Being saved took it all away but only when i stray from God or do something bad makes me have these feelings. So i knew. I knew when i woke up that morning that the reason i felt this way was because i never took this opportunity that id been given to God. I never ASKED him what he wanted me to do. I just did what 'I' wanted to do. 
What i did next was what i should have done the very second the opportunity was presented to me. I prayed. I prayed ALL DAY LONG. I dont do that often. And sometimes when i do, i start to overthink my prayers and i get distracted..."Am i overpraying?" ..."Am i saying it all right?"...."He always has a plan so is my prayer pointless?".

   It wasnt pointless. That night i said one last prayer asking for peace over the situation and clarity and then i drifted to sleep. while sleeping i had a dream. I cant remember it very well but i was talking to someone about a few things id been praying about over the past few months. The questions id asked, the prayers id prayed were answered in that dream. Clear as can be. Then, a gushing wind blew through our window and woke me up. Really! We had the window open because it was a nice night and we were having storms. I forgot to shut the window. But it woke me up and i was so startled. I immediately knew that he had answered my prayers because i had been obedient and 'talked' to him. I was being a little distant and had not prayed like that in a long time. That's all he wanted from me. He wanted to spend time with me. He wanted me to put it in his hands completely. He wanted me to have enough faith to know that he was going to answer me in time and he did!!

Anyway, someone who doesnt have this type of relationship with our Lord may not understand why im being so reckless and making my decisions off of 'dreams and faith'. Well, i cant explain myself to someone like that in anyway other than "try it yourself"!!

 I read somewhere that if you're not ready to be criticized for your obedience to God then you're not ready to be used by God! 

Oh man, I want to be used by God!!
All i know is that Gods plan will never fail. If i had done what i wanted to do and went through with it there's no telling what he would have done to put a stop to it. There's no telling what would have happened. He has a plan for me and he made it very clear to me. Ill talk more about that once things start falling into place. For now, i have more praying to do.

So, theres my testimony for this week. It might not make a lot of sense but it does to me haha. 

Pro vegan: funny. Correction: I try to not look like this, but sometimes it is irritating. Especially when going anywhere else wasn't an option. Don't be a dick, and I won't have to act like a bitch.:
So weve been eating 'mostly plant based' foods for about a month now.

The first 2 weeks were probably the easiest and i lost a total of 7lbs by the 3rd week. I decided eating only salads was not what i wanted to do. My husband had different standards and thats ok. We decided we are not LABELING ourselves as VEGAN. At our church we have potlucks often and everyone makes the most amazing dishes mostly full of meat and cheese. So church events are our cheat days haha. We are not setting any rules for what we can eat and what we can not. We basically just stopped buying junk food (except pop tarts because Anthony threw a tantrum) and we stopped buying things like, cows milk, eggs, butter, or anything that has egg product in it. We eat pasta, beans, rice, and all kinds of veggies. So we are more vegetarian than anything. its become a habit for now and the last few times we ate meat this month we got sick. We have been craving fruit so thats a good thing.

Kyndall has taken a special liking to pears, chickpeas, navy beans, purple hull peas, grapes, bananas and strawberries. We still cant get her to eat any greens but when we juice them she drinks it! 

Eating out is pretty difficult because even tho we can order a salad or a veggie burger its usually FILLED with cholesterol, sodium or some kind of preservative. But that's just part of it. If you want to be sure of what your eating the best thing to do is just grow it and prepare it yourself!!

Here are some of Kyndalls Valentines Day Photos:


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